Making and dressing large scale people.

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Making and dressing large scale people.

Post by Annie » Sun Sep 02, 2012 8:02 am

For some years I was a keen wargamer and ruined my eyesight by painting huge numbers of teeny weeny warriors and horsemen to a reasonably good standard. Then I discovered skirmish and RPG type games where not great numbers of figures were needed and what's more the figures could be as large as you wanted.
Tired of ultra high detail 'serious' wargaming figures I started to adapt old down on their luck Playmobil and similar figures for my games. Because these figures aren't usually dressed for the part I started to modify them by making clothes, boots and armour for them from leather scraps and other bits and bobs. And when it came to putting together a motley crew of Hobbits I got the two part epoxy putty out and modelled their faces and feet. With these figures I also experimented with using real hair and fur to put the hair on their heads.

Elf and Hobbit.

Another Hobbit.

I don't want go too OT with this thread and drift off into wargaming, but I just wanted to share with you the methods I'm planning on using to make the folk who live in the Kotanga Valley. Not much call for armour back in 1920, but boots and jackets and trousers & etc should be more than possible to make by such methods. As for the folk themselves they only need a basic wire skeleton that can be posed with only hands and faces needing to be crafted in any great detail.
Not so long ago I discovered some simple little dollshouse people dressed in fabric clothing, but with wooden heads, hands and feet. Their heights vary between 4.5 inches and 5 inches which I thought was just fine for 7/8 scale With new heads and hands and a little tasteful tailoring here and there they will do very nicely methinks.

Some examples:


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Post by Narrow Minded » Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:01 am

I somehow missed this thread - my new post alerts seem to be a bit hit & miss :roll:
Anyhow, I just wanted to let you know that you're not the only (ex) wargamer (and LOTR fan) on here Annie ;)
Actually, I've been tempted to start playing again by a new set of Dark Ages rules :roll:

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Post by Annie » Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:04 am

I was almost tempted by the new LotR rules too NM and started to vaguely put together a Rohan army. Then I came to my senses because with already owning half a dozen storage crates filled with fantasy wargaming figures for several rulesets that I don't know what to do with the last thing I needed was to buy a couple of hundred more.
My wargaming days are pretty much over and done with now. Eventually I'll sell off my armies only keeping the odd exceptional and well painted character figure to display. It's railway modelling that I want to put my time into, - and my slender reserves of pocket money! - Because as you would know well yourself all those little wargaming figures aren't cheap.
What has Reality done for you lately?

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