Upgrade Creality Ender3V2 Firmware and add BLTouch

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Upgrade Creality Ender3V2 Firmware and add BLTouch

Post by GAP » Wed Apr 06, 2022 1:35 am

Some of you may have followed my trails and tribulation with my trying to get my Creality Ender3V2 working correctly https://gardenrails.org/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=13661

After giving up a while ago due to some health issues I finally bit the bullet and bought a BLTouch kit to add to my printer.

I followed this YouTube video to install the probe and cabling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TroPjdkSEOY as the instructions that came with the kit had print that was near on unreadable as it was so small.

A bit more searching of the net turned up this firmware upgrade that I installed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1zXYwgIPLY as well as this instruction guide from Smith3D (a Malaysian based organisation that kept turning up in my searches and had some good reviews) https://www.smith3d.com/ender-3-v2-blto ... ith3d-com/

The Smith 3D page led me to this page where the firmware upgrade was available https://github.com/Jyers/Marlin/releases/tag/v1.3.5.b
I have a V4.2.2 board in my printer so I downloaded the E3V2-BLTouch-3x3-v4.2.7-v1.3.5.b.bin file this gives me a 9 point scan of the bed by the BLtouch (choosing the 5x5 would give a 25 point scan) there was also a HS option which is "High Speed" that does not retract the probe between points.

I added G29 instead of M420 S1 into my Creality Slicer Start G Code as I wanted some confidence that my bed is still level at the start of each print, it does add a bit of time to the print but I can live with that if the end result is a good print.

The probe X,YOffsets came preset at the levels in the firmware download so all I had to do was confirm the measurements.

When setting the Z Offset I heated the bed and nozzle using the "Preheat PLA" function.

Additionally I add stiffer springs to my levelling knobs because the stock ones did not seem to hold the level adjustment.

One trap for young players is that I installed the probe bracket upside down and when it tried to probe the bed the nozzle crashed into the the bed and kept trying to drive lower.

Overall I am happy with the BLTouch install and look forward to printing some projects once I master Tinkercad

Hopefully this may help somebody new to 3 D printing from falling into the same traps as I did.

I did also look at Octoprint (I have a Raspberry Pi 3B sitting idle in the shed) but that is something for the future.
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Re: Upgrade Creality Ender3V2 Firmware and add BLTouch

Post by philipy » Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:39 am

Well done for persevering.
BLT is definitely worth it and running it at the start of each print is a good idea. I wasn't sure when I got mine, but Steve advised that it is a good idea so I gave it a try and in all honesty the extra minute or two added on to several hours printing is neither here nor there in the grqnd scheme of things.
I'd certainly suggest giving Octoprint a try. Again its a bit of a 'mare to get set up but I find it very satisfying to sit in front of the TV with my laptop, doing a drawing and then when I'm ready, just make a few key presses and the printer starts itself up and gets on with the job in another room without me having to get up and do it manually!

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Re: Upgrade Creality Ender3V2 Firmware and add BLTouch

Post by -steves- » Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:34 pm

philipy wrote: Wed Apr 06, 2022 5:39 am Well done for persevering.
BLT is definitely worth it and running it at the start of each print is a good idea. I wasn't sure when I got mine, but Steve advised that it is a good idea so I gave it a try and in all honesty the extra minute or two added on to several hours printing is neither here nor there in the grqnd scheme of things.
I'd certainly suggest giving Octoprint a try. Again its a bit of a 'mare to get set up but I find it very satisfying to sit in front of the TV with my laptop, doing a drawing and then when I'm ready, just make a few key presses and the printer starts itself up and gets on with the job in another room without me having to get up and do it manually!
Couldn't agree more on all points made. :D :thumbleft:
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